I bought these footrests with the kit - they are fairly basis, but are adjustable and seem very robust and also fairly light. I decided that I didn't want to drill through the hull so I also bought the fixing kit that Fyne sell (the 'bighead' bolt pictured on the left of the footbrace). I actually bought two sets, but I only need one because of the 'riser' blocks that the Mill Creek 16.5 needs - Doh!
It was going to need a lot of modification to get them to fit. Not just drilling out the threaded hole, but also filing away enough of the aluminium so that the nut could be tightened.
So I decided to make some some wooden supports that will (I hope) allow a less invasive fit. These are strips of 9mm plywood and the footbraces will be bolted to them from below. The supports will then fit to the bighead bolts, or directly to the riser blocks. I made these from pine - originally the base of a pallet... Here they are getting a coat of epoxy.
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